From K12 to higher education.

Gamified and impactful training tailored to diverse learning objectives


Empower educators, teachers, and youth workers with essential skills and communication tools to engage in meaningful conversations with children and teenagers facing diverse challenges and traumas.

Classroom Management

Guide educators in creating a harmonious learning environment for diverse students and teaching situations


Provide educators with techniques to effectively address and resolve issues and conflicts with challenging students

Create interactive stories

Empower educators, teachers, and youth workers with essential skills and communication tools to engage in meaningful conversations with children and teenagers facing diverse challenges and traumas.

We are Youth Educators

Empower educators, teachers, and youth workers with essential skills and communication tools to engage in meaningful conversations with children and teenagers facing diverse challenges and traumas.

With We Are Learning, we can easily create high-quality 3D animations and interactive learning activities to provide student-engaged learning for our educational programs.

- Anne Kari Røise, Senior Learning Designer

Simulations on social media

Assist children in navigating social media to avoid conflicts, and replacing negative habits with positive interactions.

Conversations about drugs

Have meaningful and impactful connections with kids and teen-agers with drug related issues

Talk about abuse

Acquire effective communication techniques that encourage children to open up and begin addressing traumatic experiences in their lives

Simulations about anything

Bridge the divide between the adult and youth worlds, fostering meaningful conversations that have the power to uplift and inspire

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