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Compliance with GDPR
Last updated:
We Are Learning is committed to ensuring compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR") for handling and processing of personal data.
We Are Learning will always ensure that appropriate technical and organisational measures are implemented. We’ve included the table below to help our customers think about GDPR and their responsibilities and how We Are Learning factors into the equation. This list is neither exclusive nor exhaustive.
Lawful Basis
Article 6
We Are Learning: Establishes a lawful basis to process personal data.
Data Subject: If the lawful basis is consent, Data Subject consents to We Are Learning’s data collection about them.
Processing children’s personal data
Article 8
We Are Learning
We Are Learning does not distinguish between different types of personal data and does not knowingly collect children’s personal data.
Data protection by design
Article 25
We Are Learning: Collects the minimum personal data necessary to carry out normal business operations.
Customer: Manages content within We Are Learning.
Data Protection Impact Assessments
Article 35
We Are Learning: Appoints responsible staff to perform any necessary Data Protection Impact Assessments.
Customer: Determines level of content shared with business partners and may assist We Are Learning, as the processor.
Article 32
We Are Learning
Comply with security requirements. Personal Data is encrypted in transit and at rest using AES-256 bit encryption.
Minimal Data Collection
We only gather what is necessary to offer our service. When possible, we make data anonymous.
Sharing Information We only share personal information when it's needed to provide our service. We have agreements with our suppliers about how they handle personal information. The suppliers and data centers we use are within the EEA.
Limited Storage Time
We keep personal information only for as long as our customers need it. After a customer agreement ends, we delete, return, or make the information anonymous as agreed. Our database is protected with AES-256 encryption.
We have put in place security measures to prevent personal information from getting lost or ending up in the wrong hands. We regularly maintain and update our security measures.
Responsibility We have created internal procedures and routines to ensure that our handling of personal information is done in an organized and documented way.
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